Cable United Church of Christ (UCC) is first and foremost a warm and caring community of faith. The people here truly love and care for one another and for those beyond our doors. As a congregation we take very seriously Christ's command to love God with all our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to refrain from judging others. Our theological focus is on living-into our covenant with our Still-Speaking by creating opportunities for each person to participate in God’s healing of humanity and creation’s movement toward wholeness by advocating for issues concerned with justice, equality, and peace. 


We are an Open and Affirmingcongregation. This means we affirm that all people are children of God. We honor and warmly welcome everyone, and we are committed to being a uniting church that embraces the rich diversity of God's creation. We recognize, celebrate, and give thanks for the many gifts of all of God's children. We encourage those of every race, gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, faith background, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, economic circumstance, marital status and physical or developmental ability to join in full participation and leadership of our congregation. 

All are welcome here!


Our Purpose 

To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves.

Our Mission 

United in Spirit and inspired by God's grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all

Our Proclamation

Be the Church: Protect the Environment. Care for the Poor. Forgive Often. Reject Racism. Love God. Fight for the Powerless. Embrace Diversity. Share Earthly and Spiritual Resources. Enjoy this Life.

Our Vision 

United in Christ's love, a just world for all.


 UCC Street View Small

Please join us for Sunday services

10:00 AM 

13445 County Highway M
Cable, WI 54821

Office: 715-798-3066



What's new at Cable UCC?
Our Announcements are now on Facebook
Read our current newsletter.
Medical Equipment Loan Closet.

BRICKThe Food Shelf at 13380 Spruce St is open

the 4th Thursday of every month.




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